Set Default Category Of Your Posts

How To Set Default Category For Your Posts In WordPress?

You may have heard about selecting categories for your blog posts. But do you know that when you install WordPress at your Web Hosting then your post will remain uncategorized because WordPress has its default category.

If you want to change default category then here you are. In this post, I am going to tell you about setting your default category.

WordPress is an amazing platform to use and there are many things you can do with it. In the starting, if you don’t change default category for your posts then every post you will publish get included into the uncategorized list. You can also change the category slug in WordPress.

How to change default category?

By following some steps you can set default category. You may have gone through writing section of WordPress and if you haven’t noticed then you will find an option to set “default post category”.

Which is the main thing you need to know about? You should how to reach there.

1). Firstly you need to log in to your admin area of WordPress.

2). You will see many options on the left side of your WordPress dashboard. Here you will see an option of “settings” at which you should click.

3). A new screen will open in front of you from which you should select “writing” settings which is at second place in the list. There are many other options but to set default category you need to click on “writing” settings.

4). Again with the opening of new screen, you will see many options to select from which you need to have a glance at “Default Post Category”. If you have already created your categories then the list will be there to set your default category for your blog post which will get published without selecting any category.

5). You can select any of the categories in which you want to drop your uncategorized blog posts. You can see in the screenshot that I have adjusted “blogging” as my default category. Whenever I forget to add any category for my blog post then it automatically goes to “blogging” category.

6). After selecting your default category you have to save settings by going downward.

Have you set default category for your blog posts?

In the starting of your blogging career, you may get confused about categories and many other things related to WordPress. But you should change your default category from uncategorized to any other.

Have you set it for your blog posts? If you haven’t then you should do it now otherwise, all of your blog posts will remain uncategorized. I hope no one is going to face any problem related to it.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    That’s a great tutorial to change the default category. I have been using WordPress for two years now and honestly, I didn’t know that we can change the category and choose one as default.

    Maybe because I have many categories and I put my blog post under the right category depending on the subject of the blog post so I never took the time to see that this option exists. Anyhow thanks for keeping us in the know of these things.

    Thanks Ravi for the tutorial and I am sure it will be a great asset to the newbies out there. Have a great rest of the week.

    Be Blessed,


    1. Hi Neamat,

      We all have categories for different blog posts. But what if you forget to add category for your blog posts? It will remain uncategorized.

      To get rid of that mistake you need to set your default category in WordPress.

      WordPress is somehow techie and most of bloggers don’t know much about it. But if you try then its so easy.

      As we all say practice makes man perfect.

      Thanks for taking time to drop your remarkable thoughts.

      Have a peaceful week ahead.:)


  2. Hi Ravi

    Thanks for the tutorial as I did not know that you can change the default category. That is why they say you can’t know everything.

    1. Hi Ikechi,

      You can many things with WordPress.

      Its just a simple thing but many newbies don’t take a look at it which can costs them.

      They are in need to set their default category for their blog posts.

      Thanks for your input.

      Have a wonderful week ahead.:)


  3. Hi Ravi,

    Your post reminded me of the first time I switched to WordPress from the earlier Blogger’s platform ?

    Yes, I was totally lost about categories, till I surfed around and found out about it, as WP is very different, especially for someone who comes from Blogger’s. But I found out and because of the various categories I have on my blog, it was fun adding many of them.

    I kept adding and changing the categories as I started increasing them on the blog to the present one’s I have now, so one learns with time, isn’t it?

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead ?

    1. Hi Harleena,

      I haven’t used Blogger platform in my blogging career. When I was going to start my blog at that time my friend told me to start with WordPress because it is for professionals. I didn’t know anything about WordPress at that time.

      Adding categories is the necessity of every blog to provide better access to your readers. But in this post I just focused to change the default category so that bloggers uncategorized post get added into the selected category.

      Thanks for taking time to drop your input.

      Have a happy week ahead.:)


  4. I love all the little , yet important tricks and details you share about wordpress Ravi.

    Categories are simple, yet easily forgotten.. I have not set my default, but each time I write I post I uncheck the “uncategorized” box and check the right boxes instead.

    I can see how setting the default correctly from the beginning could make things that much easier!

    I hope you are having a great week!



    1. Hi Deborah,

      You uncheck the “uncategorized” box every time you right a blog post.

      To get rid of this you can set default category so that if your post go automatically into that category which is an easy way to manage the category blog posts.

      In the beginning of blogging bloggers need to learn about these simple things so that they don’t face any problem with their blog.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      You too enjoy your rest of the week.:)


  5. Hi Ravi,

    It’s my first time on your blog and I must compliment you for a blog well setup.

    Though my main blog is on blogger but I have few blogs which I manage on wordpress and sure, it’s not quite easy locating the whole feature of wordpress at the begining. This is quite a handy tutorial for those new to wordpress.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hey Larry,

      First of all I would like to welcome you at my blog.:)

      For beginners WordPress seems hard due to its techie things. Newbies should know more about it so that they can manage their blog properly.

      Thanks for taking time to visit here.

      Have a nice day.:)


  6. Hey Ravi,

    This might seem like a simple thing to do but if you’re new to blogging it can be overlooked.

    I think categories in general can be confusing for folks. In the past I’ve had either too many or not enough. It’s hard to find a good balance for getting the right categories and then categorizing your posts correctly.

    When I first started using WordPress I had most of my post uncategorized. It took me a few months just to figure out that’s what was happening.

    Good post and a useful one for newbies.



    1. Hi Liz,

      Newbies face this kind of problem. When they install WordPress at that time all the post remain uncategorized until they change the category.

      Setting default category is the necessity so that if they don’t add any category then post can go to default category.

      By default WordPress adds them into uncategorized. And you don’t want that then its important to change the default category.

      Thanks for taking time to share your thoughts.

      Enjoy your day.:)


  7. Hello, Ravi,

    You are providing excellent value to new bloggers, and I think you’re doing a fantastic job.

    The simple, step-by-step instructions you were giving, along with wonderful screen shots that are clearly indicating exactly what to do and where, is the type of tutorial that should be shared everywhere.

    That’s exactly what I plan on doing.

    Thank you so much for sharing this high quality content,Ravi, and I hope you have a great rest of the week.

    Talk soon,

    – Carol

    1. Hi Carol,

      I am just trying to provide the easiest way to do something related to WordPress.

      I know beginners face many problems in their starting days I don’t want to let it happen.

      Hopefully with the help of such tutorials they can learn more about WordPress.

      Thanks a lot for appreciating.

      Have an amazing week ahead.:)


  8. Hi Ravi

    Whenever we forget to categorize our post while publishing; it goes under “uncategorized” category or in the one you created first.

    On noticing this we usually change the category and don’t think to create a default category that suits to each post if we forget to categorize.

    You mentioned the whole process of doing this in very easy to understand terms and a very non-techie person can do it easily.

    This is the main feature of WordPress that with relevant guidance one can do a lot of tweaking without any help.

    Thanks a lot for sharing this useful tip.

    1. Hi Muba,

      WordPress has many features to use.

      By setting your default category somehow you make your post safe from going under “uncategorized”.

      Beginners should know about these things about WordPress.

      They should set their default category for sure.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Have a great week ahead.:)


  9. Hi Ravi,

    You have explained how to set your default category for your WordPress post so well. I am all excited about this post because I know how to do it. Now that’s saying a lot for me because I usually have things done for me.

    But this one I know well. When I had my blog re-vamped several months ago, I had to go through some old blogs and do this so things could be working in order.



    1. Hi Donna,

      When you start any new blog then its necessary to know about such type of things.

      You know when I started my blog I was not aware about these things and many of my posts were remained uncategorized.

      But with the time I have somehow managed it.

      Thanks for your wonderful input.

      Have a peaceful week ahead.:)


  10. Hi Ravi,

    Its cool to know of this. At least, many newbies that are not familiar with how the WordPress category works would find this guide useful. The steps are easy and simple. Thanks for the helpful insight!

    I also shared this comment in where I found this post!

    1. Hi Sunday,

      Newbies should know about setting their default posts so that if they don’t add any category in their blog posts then it automatically goes to the default category.

      Thanks for taking time to visit.

      Have a rocking week ahead.:)


    1. Hey Sherman,

      When we don’t get engaged with simple things then we forget about them.

      Its necessary to remember these type of simple set ups so that you can manage your blog properly.

      I just added you on Kingged and saw your articles there.

      Hope to see more posts.

      Have a great day.:)


  11. Hi Ravi,

    I believe I’ve changed my default category already into “bloggin”. But I forgot how I did it. LOL!! But thanks to you for writing this post

    As always you are great when it comes to step-by-step post. This will be great one for newbies who wants to customize their category to something more relevant other than “uncategorize”.

    Have a lovely weekend my friend.


    1. Hey Angela,

      It is not necessary to set your default category as blogging.

      You can set of the existing category as your default category so that your uncategorized post get added into your default category.

      Thanks for being here and your regular support.

      Have an amazing day.:)


  12. Hello Ravi,

    Indeed an informative post specially for the beginners.

    I remembered when I was new in this field, I always got confused about categories. How to create categories? How to set default categories? I had faced lot of problem with these thing. I believe that this kind of article will help to those who has just stepped their foot into the Blogging World.

    Have an wonderful weekend ahead.

    I have kingged your article on



    1. Hi Swapnadip,

      When we start blogging then WordPress seems so hard to handle.

      Most of bloggers get afraid of these techie things. Though these are very easy to handle but still people should know how to set their default category?

      With the help of this post I hope many beginners will learn something.

      Thanks for your wonderful comment.

      Have a nice day.:)


  13. Hi Ravi; I’ve been on word press for almost two years now and never even thought about setting a default category. thanks for pointing this out. I will definitely go do that. Now, is there a way to change the category for each post or to add additional categories? looking forward to more on this subject as I believe doing it properly could contribute to higher search engine rankings and more web traffic. good work my friend, max

    1. Hi Maxwell,

      After creating categories for your blog posts you will see them in the sidebar of your WordPress while writing your blog posts. You can choose any category from them for your blog posts. Setting default category is necessary in case you forget to select any category for your blog posts then your blog post will automatically goes into default category otherwise it will remain uncategorized.

      Yeah! for sure you can additional category for each posts. You can even create a drop down menu by creating sub-categories like “technology” is the main category and under this you add “mobile phones”. You may see in many websites when you take your cursor at any category then a pop-down comes out which is termed as drop down menu. I will write a post for this soon.

      Thanks for taking time to share your thoughts.

      Have a great week ahead.:)


  14. Wow! Great post, Ravi!

    I have set up many categories too but did not realize till now that there was a way to set a new default category. Previously, I just changed the category as I added a new post. I too have been blogging for a little while now without realizing this small jewel of a tidbit. I just went in and changed my default. One more little time saver.

    I am glad I am learning something new everyday and your posts are very helpful!

    Thanks a lot for a wonderful post with a great tip!

    Harish ?

    1. Hi Harish,

      WordPress has many features to use. You will learn a lot about this amazing CMS. Setting a default category is helpful in case you forget to add any category for your blog post. There are many options in WordPress which are must to set.

      Many bloggers forget to add these simple things which are precious in their own way.

      Hope you will set your default category soon.

      Thanks for your remarkable input.

      Have an awesome weekend.:)


  15. Hi Ravi,

    First Good That’s a great tutorial to change the default category. I have been using WordPress for two years now and honestly, I didn’t know that we can change the category and choose one as default. Keep it up Thanks a lot For Sharing me ,



    1. Hi Leena,

      Its good to hear that I could help you in setting your default category for your blog posts.

      You know it adds an extra point for your blog to do that because sometime you may forget to add any category for your blog post then your default category will be the category for the particular post.

      You should set it soon.

      Thanks for your kind words.

      Have a nice day.:)


  16. Hi Ravi It’s Nice tutorial.

    I’m going to apply it in blog too because sometimes my writer write post but he forgot to select category for that post. SO, i am sure your this tutorial will be work in this case.

    Thanks Ravi ?

    1. Hi Siddharth,

      For sure it is necessary to set a default category for your blog posts so that when your writers or forget to add any category then the post doesn’t remain uncategorized.

      There are many other bloggers who don’t have set any default category for their blog posts.

      You know its better to provide another layer in WordPress.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a great weekend.:)


  17. Hello Ravi,

    Nice Tutorial Ravi 🙂 These are the best directions I’ve found so far regarding the �category’ removal. Most of new bloggers still find very difficult to understand, but I am sure this step by step tutorial will be help for newbies .

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful tutorial with us and Happy Diwali in Advance ?


    Minakshi Srivastava

    1. Hi Minakshi,

      May be you are mistaken. This tutorial is about setting default category for your blog posts instead of removing them.

      You know you should also set one of your category as default so that your uncategorized post can be added to that particular category. And even future too it will help you to manage your blog post category.

      Thanks for taking time to share your thoughts.

      Have a rocking weekend.:)


  18. Hi, Ravi Chahar

    Thanks for sharing the article about How To Set Default Category For Your Posts In WordPress? Very informative Article I liked it and I hope it will help me.

    Thanks for sharing the views. Have a great week ahead.

    1. Hi Mithlesh,

      Welcome to my blog.:)

      I am glad that this article can help you about setting your default category for your blog posts.

      It is needed to have a backup for your uncategorized blog posts.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Enjoy your day ahead.:)


  19. Nice tutorials, this is very helpful for newbie bloggers. Blogginglove every post is very useful to make better blogging. I hope this is one stop WP tutorials for beginners…

    1. Hey Ganesh,

      First of all I would like to welcome you at my blog.:)

      Thanks for appreciating and taking time to say your words.

      Hope to see you soon.:)

      Have a great weekend.


  20. Hi Ravi,

    What a pleasant surprise! ?

    A Warm Welcome to ? ? ?

    Nice that you found this platform.

    A great tutorial for the beginners.

    I am sure you will come up with more such related content here. ?

    As someone said, I too from experience.

    When our knol contents migrated from blogger to wordpress i really faced this kind of problem. Indeed a totally different experience at WP. Still in the learning process, though I have created a page of my own with the help of a loving friend. And I am still a Babe at WP LOL ?

    Nice speaking to you Ravi this way. ?

    May you have a wonderful and profitable time here at Kingged.

    We have a group of great and wonderful people here.

    Keep writing and posting at kingged.

    Best Regards

    ~ Philip


    Hey, Here comes our Season’s Greetings!

    Hey I found this informative tuto @ and I kingged it and posted a comment too.

    Have a good day. ?

    1. Hi Philip,

      I am glad to see you here at my blog.:)

      You will have totally different experience at WordPress from Blogger because everything is different here. WordPress is not not that much easy as Blogger platform. There are many basic things you have to learn so that you can handle your blog perfectly.

      Setting your default category is one of them. You should do that to cure your posts to be added in uncategorized list. For bloggers it takes more time to learn about WordPress but I think if you try to do experiments with it then it will be fun for you.

      Yeah! I just joined Kingged and hopefully try to maintain my presence so engage with more and more bloggers.

      Thanks for your kind words.

      Have a peaceful week ahead.:)


  21. Hey Ravi,

    Thanks for sharing an usefuk post with us.

    By Default it set on “Uncategorized” but it will now help me in reducing not a lot of but a little amount of work load and i can more freely concentrate on content.




    1. Hi Suprabhat,

      Such type of simple things can reduce your work. After setting your default category you don’t need to worry about any blog post to remain uncategorized. You must choose any one of the category of your blog to set it default.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a nice weekend.:)


  22. Nice Article Ravi. I was looking to solve this issue and i found your blog in Search Engine Ranking. Thanks to share.

    1. Hi Shane,

      Its good to know that your problem is solved now. WordPress has many features to use and it is very important to set default category for your blog posts.

      Have a great day ahead.:)


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